• Pons-Branchu, E., Caffy, I., Delqué-Količ, E., Dumoulin, J.-P., et al.
    Radiocarbon dating of urban secondary carbonate deposits: site effect and implication for chronology: case study of Paris and Versailles palace fountains
    Radiocarbon, 2022, 1-10,
    DOI: 10.1017/RDC.2022.78

  • Dumoulin, J-P., Rabouille, C., Pourtout, S., Bombled, B., Lansard, B., Caffy, I., et al.
    Identification in pore waters of recycled sediment organic matter using the dual isotopic composition of carbon (δ13c and δ14c): new data from the continental shelf influenced by the Rhône river
    Radiocarbon, 2022, 1-11,
    DOI: 10.1017/RDC.2022.71

  • Beck, L., Caffy, I., Delqué-Količ, E., Dumoulin, J.-P., et al.
    Marine reservoir effect of spermaceti, a wax obtained from the head of the sperm whale: a first estimation from museum specimens
    Radiocarbon, 2022, 1-10,
    DOI: 10.1017/RDC.2022.79

  • Messager, C., Beck, L., Blamart, D., Richard, P., Germain, T., et al.
    25 Centuries of lead white manufacturing processes identified by 13C and 14C carbon isotopes
    Journal of Archaeological Science, Reports 46, 2022
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2022.103685

  • Ferrant, M., Caffy, I., Cortopassi, R., Delque-Količ, E., Guichard, H., Mathe, C., Thomas, C., Vieillescazes, C., Bellot-Gurlet, L., Quiles, A.
    An innovative multi-analytical strategy to assess the presence of fossil hydrocarbons in a mummification balm
    Journal of Cultural Heritage 55, 369–380, 2022
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  • Pons-Branchu, E., Barbarand, J., Caffy, I., Dapoigny, A., Drugat, L., et al.
    U-series and radiocarbon cross dating of speleothems from Nerja Cave (Spain): Evidence of open system behavior. Implication for the Spanish rock art chronology
    Quaternary Science Reviews, Vol 290, 107634, ISSN 0277-3791, 2022
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  • Heimlich, G., Pons-Branchu, E., Valladas, H., Dapoigny, A., Dumoulin, J.P., et al.
    irst cross dating (U/Th-14C) of calcite covering rock paintings in Africa: The case of the Lovo Massif, Democratic Republic of the Congo
    Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Volume 45, 103623, ISSN 2352-409X, 2022
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  • Beck, L.
    Ion Beam Analysis and 14C Accelerator Mass Spectroscopy to Identify Ancient and Recent Art Forgeries
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  • Mauran, G., Caron, B., Beck, L., Détroit, F., Nous, C., et al.
    Standardization procedure to provide a unified multi-method elemental compositional dataset, application to ferruginous colouring matters from Namibia
    Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2022
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  • Beck, L., Caffy, I., Mussard, S., Delqué-Količ, E., Moreau, C., et al.
    Detecting recent forgeries of Impressionist and Pointillist paintings with high-precision radiocarbon dating
    Forensic Sci Int., 333:111214, 2022
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  • Nicoud, E., Palmerini, G., Villa, V., Agostini, S., Beck, L., Maria Dessi, R., Gallet, X. Lebon, M.
    Géoarchéologie en contexte karstique dans la Maiella (Abruzzes, Italie)
    Le Bulletin archéologique des Écoles françaises à l’étranger, en ligne, 2022
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  • Messager, C., Beck, L., Germain, T., Degrigny, C., Serneels, V., et al.
    Datation par la méthode du radiocarbone du blanc de plomb : du psimythion des cosmétiques antiques au pigment des peintures murales médiévales
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  • Leroy, S., Delqué-Količ, E., Vincent, B., Baptiste, P., Vega, E., et al.
    Le fer comme moyen de datation des bronzes khmers : première approche de prélèvement in situ
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  • Bonnot-Diconne, C., Beck, L., Fournet, J-P., de la Fuente Andrés, F., Caffy, I.
    La datation des cuirs dorés : confirmer et affiner la chronologie d’un objet d’art décoratif
    Technè n°52, p 68-74, 2021
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  • Quiles, A., Invernon, V., Beck, L., Delqué-Kolic, E., Gaudeul, M., Muller, S., Rouhan, G.
    Préciser la courbe de calibration radiocarbone pour l’Égypte ancienne : le pari des herbiers
    Les collections naturalistes dans la science du XXIe siècle , ISTE Group, pp.179-195, 2021
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  • Palmerini, G., Beck, L., Di martino, L., et al.
    Nuove ricerche sull’arte rupestre dell’Appennino abruzzese
    Proceedings of the XXVIII Valcamonica Symposium, Capo di Ponte (Valcamonica) , October 28 to 31, 2021
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  • Reiche, I., Beck, L., Caffy, I.
    New results with regard to the Flora bust controversy: radiocarbon dating suggests nineteenth century origin
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  • Beranger, M., Dillmann, P., Fluzin, P., Vega, E., Aubert, M., Leroy, S., Delque-Količ, E.
    A new understanding of the chronology, circulation and function of Iron Age (8th–1st c. BC) ferrous semi-products in north-eastern France
    Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences , 2021, 13:102
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  • Quiles, A., Emerit, S., Asensi-Amorós, V., Beck, L., Caffy, I., Delque-Količ, E., Guichard, H.
    New chronometric insights into ancient egyptian musical instruments held at the musée du Louvre and the musée des beaux-arts de Lyon
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  • Thouret, J.C., Boivin, P., Miallier, D., Donnadieu, F., Dumoulin, J.P., Labazuy, P.
    Post-eruption evolution of maar lakes and potential instability: The Lake Pavin case study, French Massif Central
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  • Messager, C., Beck, L., Caffy, I., et al..
    Datation par la Méthode du Radiocarbone de Peintures au Blanc de Plomb Apposées sur des Cuirs Dorés
    Actes de la 11ème réunion intermédiaire du groupe de travail Cuir et Matériaux Associés de l’ICOM-CC
    publi ICOM-CC

  • Bonnot-Diconne, C., Fournet, J.P., Barbier, M., Robinet, L., Radepont, M., Beck, L., Heran, M., Heu-Thao, S.
    L'histoire Mouvementée de Cinq Tentures Historiées en Cuir Doré Peint et Ciselé du 17ème Siècle Représentant des Scènes de l'Ancien Testament
    Actes du Colloque ICOM-CC LEATHER 2019, PARIS, FRANCE

  • Dumoulin, J.-P., Lebon, M., Caffy, I., Mauran, G., et al.
    Calcium oxalate radiocarbon dating: preliminary tests to date rock art of the decorated open-air caves, Erongo mountains, Namibia
    Radiocarbon 62, 2020, pp. 1551-1562
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  • Moreau, C., Messager, C., Berthier, B., Hain, S., et al.
    ARTEMIS, the 14c ams facility of the lmc14 national laboratory: a status report on quality control and microsample procedures
    Radiocarbon , 2020, 1-16
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  • Leroy, S., Bauvais, S., Delqué-Količ, E., Hendrickson, M., Josso, N., Dumoulin, J.-P., Soutif, D.
    First experimental reconstruction of an Angkorian iron furnace (13th–14th centuries CE): Archaeological and archaeometric implications
    Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports , 2020, Vol 34, Part A
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  • Beck, L., Messager, C., Caffy, I., Delqué-Količ, E., Perron, M., Dumoulin, J.-P., Moreau, C., Degrigny, C., Serneels, V.
    Unexpected presence of 14C in inorganic pigment for an absolute dating of paintings
    Nature, scientific reports , 2020
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  • Hajdas, I., Jull, AJ T., et al.
    Radiocarbon dating and the protection of cultural heritage
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  • Messager, C., Beck, L., de Viguerie, L., Jaber, M.
    Thermal analysis of carbonate pigments and linseed oil to optimize CO2 extraction for radiocarbon dating of lead white paintings
    Microchemical Journal , 2020
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  • Kuzucuoğlu, C., Özbaşaran, M., Dumoulin, J.-P., Saulnier-Copard, S.
    Geoarchaeological and chronological reconstruction of the Aşıklı PPN site spatial development (Central Anatolia, Turkey)
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  • Bourges, F., Genty, D., Perrier, F., Lartiges, B., et al.
    Hydrogeological control on carbon dioxide input into the atmosphere of the Chauvet-Pont d'Arc cave
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  • Messager, E., Poulenard, J., Sabatier, P., et al.
    Paravani, a puzzling lake in the South Caucasus
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  • Berranger, M., Dillmann, P., Fluzin, P., Vega, E., Leroy, S., Aubert, M., Delqué-Količ, E.
    Du produit d’échange à l’objet symbole : de nouvelles données sur les demi-produits de type currency-bar du Val de Saône et de l’Arc jurassien
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  • Waelbroeck, C., Lougheed, B.C., Vazquez Riveiros, N. et al.
    Consistently dated Atlantic sediment cores over the last 40 thousand years
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  • Beck, L., Messager, C., Coelho, S., et al.
    Thermal decomposition of lead white for radiocarbon dating of paintings
    Radiocarbon , 2019
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  • Rapuc, W., Sabatier, P., Arnaud, F., et al.
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  • Leroy, S., Hendrickson, M., Bauvais, S., et al.
    The ties that bind: archaeometallurgical typology of architectural crampons as a method for reconstructing the iron economy of Angkor, Cambodia (tenth to thirteenth c.)
    Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 2018, Vol 10, p 2137–2157
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  • Dumoulin, J.-P., Pozzato, L., Rassman, J., et al.
    Isotopic Signature (δ13C, ∆14C) of DIC in Sediment Pore Waters: An Example from the Rhone River Delta
    Radiocarbon 60 , 2018, p 1465-1481
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  • Pons-Branchu, E., Bergonzini, L., Tisnerat-Laborde, N., et al.
    14C in Urban Secondary Carbonate Deposits: a New Tool for Environmental Study
    Radiocarbon 60 , 2018, p 1269-1281
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  • Beck, L., Caffy, I., Delqué-Količ, E., Moreau,C., Dumoulin, J.-P., Perron, M., Guichard, H. & Jeammet, V.
    Absolute dating of lead carbonates in ancient cosmetics by radiocarbon
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    Changes in latitudinal sea surface temperature gradients along the Southern Chilean margin since the last glacial
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  • Pozzato, L., Rassmann, J., Lansard, B., et al.
    Origin of remineralized organic matter in sediments from the Rhone River prodelta (NW Mediterranean) traced by Delta C-14 and delta C-13 signatures of pore water DIC
    Progress in Oceanography, 2018, Vol 163, p 112-122
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  • Lebon, M., Pichon, L., Beck, L.
    Enhanced identification of trace element fingerprint of prehistoric pigments by PIXE mapping
    Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research section B-beam interactions with materials and atoms , 2018, Vol 417, p 91-95
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  • Dumoulin, J.-P., Messager, C., Valladas, H., et al.
    Comparison of two bone-preparation methods for radiocarbon dating: modified longin and ninhydrin
    Radiocarbon 59 , 2017, p 1835-1844
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  • Hayen, R., Van Strydonck, M., Fontaine, L., et al.
    Mortar dating methodology: assessing recurrent issues and needs for further research
    Radiocarbon 59 , 2017, p 1859-1871
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  • Valladas, H., Pons-Branchu, E., Dumoulin, J.-P., et al.
    U/TH and C-14 crossdating of parietal calcite deposits: application to nerja cave (andalusia, spain) and future perspectives
    Radiocarbon 59 , 2017, p 1955-1967
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  • Beck, L., Gutierrez, P. C., Miro, S., et al.
    Ion beam modification of zinc white pigment characterized by ex situ and in situ mu-Raman and XPS
    Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research section B-beam interactions with materials and atoms, 2017, Vol 409, p 96-101
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  • Beck, L., Alloin, E., Vigneron, A., Caffy, I., Klein, U.
    Ion beam analysis and AMS dating of the silver coin hoard of Preuschdorf (Alsace, France)
    Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research section B-beam interactions with materials and atoms, 2017, Vol 406, p 93-98
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  • Dumoulin, J.-P., Comby-Zerbino, C., Delqué-Količ, E., Moreau, C., Caffy, I., Hain, S., Perron, M., Thellier, B., Setti, V., Berthier, B., Beck, L.
    Status Report on Sample Preparation Protocols Developed at the LMC14 Laboratory, Saclay, France: From Sample Collection to 14C AMS Measurement.
    Radiocarbon 59, 2017, p 713–726
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  • Delqué-Količ, E., Leroy, S., Pagès, G., Leboyer, J.
    Iron Bar Trade between the Mediterranean and Gaul in the Roman Period: 14C Dating of Products from Shipwrecks Discovered off the Coast of Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer (Bouches-du-Rhône, France).
    Radiocarbon 1–14, 2016
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  • Quiles, A., Valladas, H., Bocherens, H., Delque-Kolic, E., Kaltnecker, E., van der Plicht, J., Delannoy, JJ., Feruglio, V., Fritz, C., Monney, J., Philippe, M., Tosello, G., Clottes, J., Geneste, JM.
    A high-precision chronological model for the decorated Upper Paleolithic cave of Chauvet-Pont d'Arc, Ardeche, France
    Proceedings of the National academy of sciences of the United States of America, 2016, Vol 113, p 4670-4675
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  • Valladas, H., Quiles, A., Delque-Kolic, M., Kaltnecker, E., Moreau, C., Pons-Branchu, E., Vanrell, L., Olive, M., Delestre, X.
    Radiocarbon Dating of the Decorated Cosquer Cave (France).
    Radiocarbon 1–13, 2016
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  • Leroy, S., Hendrickson, M., Delqué-Kolic, E., Vega, E., Dillmann, P.
    First Direct Dating for the Construction and Modification of the Baphuon Temple Mountain in Angkor, Cambodia.
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  • Leroy, S., L’Héritier, M., Delqué-Kolic, E., Dumoulin, J.-P., Moreau, C., Dillmann, P.
    Consolidation or initial design? Radiocarbon dating of ancient iron alloys sheds light on the reinforcements of French Gothic Cathedrals.
    Journal of Archaeological Science , 2015, 53, 190–201
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    Second Radiocarbon Intercomparison Program for the Chauvet-Pont d’Arc Cave, Ardèche, France
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  • Quiles, A., Delqué-Količ, E., Bellot-Gurlet, L., Comby-Zerbino, C., Ménager, M., Paris, C., Souprayen, C., Vieillescazes, C., Andreu-Lanoë, G., Madrigal, K.
    Embalming as a Source of Contamination for Radiocarbon dating of Egyptian Mummies: On a New Chemical Protocol to Extract Bitumen
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  • Delqué-Količ, E., Caffy, I., Comby-Zerbino, C., Dumoulin, J.-P., Hain, S., Massault, M., Moreau, C., Quiles, A., Setti, V., Souprayen, C., Tannau, J.-F., Thellier, B., Vincent, J.
    Advances in Handling Small Radiocarbon Samples at the Laboratoire de Mesure du Carbone 14 in Saclay, France
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    Research and Development of the Artemis 14C AMS Facility: Status Report.
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  • Delqué-Količ, E., Comby-Zerbino, C., Ferkane, S., Moreau, C., Dumoulin, J.P., Caffy, I., Souprayen, C., Quilès, A., Bavay, D., Hain, S., Setti, V
    Preparing and measuring ultra-small radiocarbon samples with the ARTEMIS AMS facility in Saclay, France.
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    Development of a Line for Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Extraction at LMC14 Artemis Laboratory in Saclay, France.
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  • Quiles, A., Aubourg, E., Berthier, B., Delque-Količ, E., Pierrat-Bonnefois, G., Dee, M.W., Andreu-Lanoë, G., Bronk Ramsey, C., Moreau, C.
    Bayesian modelling of an absolute chronology for Egypt’s 18th Dynasty by astrophysical and radiocarbon methods.
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  • Valladas, H., Genty, D., Kaltnecker, E., Quiles, A., Tisnérat-Laborde, N., Arnold, M., Delqué-Količ, E., Moreau, C., Baffier, D., Cleyet Merle, J.J., Clottes, J., Girard, M., Monney, J., Montes, R., Sainz, C., Sanchidrian, J.L., Simonnet, R.
    Dating French and Spanish Prehistoric Decorated Caves in Their Archaeological Contexts.
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  • Zazzo, A., Lebon, M., Chiotti, L., Comby, C., Delqué-Količ, E., Nespoulet, R., Reiche, I.
    Can We Use Calcined Bones for Radiocarbon Dating the Paleolithic
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  • Leroy, S., Delque-Kolic, E., Dumoulin, J.-P., Moreau, C., Dillmann, P.
    Datation radiocarbone des alliages ferreux anciens.
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    First wave of cultivators spread to Cyprus at least 10,600 y ago.
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    Variability in the marine radiocarbon reservoir effect in Muscat (Sultanate of Oman) during the 4th millennium BC: reflection of taphonomy or environment?
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  • Genty, D., Konik, S., Valladas, H., Blamart, D., Hellstrom, J., Touma, M., Moreau, C., Dumoulin, J.-P., Nouet, J., Dauphin, Y., Weil, R.
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